short story review

Literature: A Clean, Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway

The Lost Signals sits down in a well-lighted studio to discuss Ernest Hemingway’s atmospheric vignette, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.” Bring your own brandy, the service here is terrible. [Aggregate score 9.25]

MOTS Ado About Nothing: The Gorgon by Tanith Lee

Recently we read and discussed a short story about the unpredictable nature of adventure. This is our review of The Gorgon by Tanith Lee.

Literature: The Boogeyman by Stephen King

In this second installment of MOTS Ado for the 2016 Halloween season, we journey into the dark reaches of one man’s closet of horrors in Stephen King’s “The Boogeyman.” Is there actually a monster lurking in the dark or is it only in the mind of a broken man?

Literature: The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

It’s another short story! This time we review the all-American classic, The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, the original M. Night Shyamalan. It is the story of two fools and their thoughtful, but ultimately pointless Christmas gifts to each other. [Aggregate Score: 6.00]

Guest starring Veronica Hernandez.