Month: November 2020

Film & TV: Underwater

TLS decides whether it is really better, down where it’s wetter, under the sea. [Aggregate score: 7.5]

Philosophy & Narrative: Art vs. The Artist

In a return to our philosophical narrative roots, TLS discusses the concept of separating (or not) artworks from the intentions, views, and behaviors of their creators.

Film & TV: Taskmaster (UK Series 5)

TLS is tasked by our very own Greg Davies with checking out the smash sensation (in everywhere but the US) that is the titular show, specifically offering thoughts and impressions of the original Series 5.

Pop Culture Roundup Roundtable: November 2020

TLS head back for a second round of a catch-all discussion of various pop properties we’ve been checking out in our “free time.”

AFI Top 100 #029: Double Indemnity

TLS conspires to commit insurance fraud and murder in one of, if not the, classic film noirs of all time. [Aggregate score: 10]

Literature: Pale Horse, Pale Rider by Katherine Anne Porter

In a fever dream of intense storytelling, TLS reviews one of Katherine Anne Porter’s semi-autobiographical ‘short novels.’ [Aggregate score: 10]

AFI Top 100 #012: The Searchers

Saddle up, pilgrims, as TLS tackles what is allegedly the ‘greatest American Western’ according to the AFI. [Aggregate score: 5]

Games & Gaming Culture: Next Gen Launch Prep

With next gen launch just around the corner, TLS takes a final look into some of the last minute details, information, and possibilities before drop date.

Film & TV: The Trial of the Chicago 7

TLS puts Aaron Sorkin’s The Trial of the Chicago 7 on trial.
[Aggregate score: 8]