Month: July 2017

Apocalypse, Now What? Romero and the Music of the Dead

George A. Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” is incomparable. It is the quintessential zombie film that set the standard and most of the rules for every zombie film that followed**. For me, however, George A. Romero’s masterwork was his 1978 film, “Dawn of the Dead.” 

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Syntax Error: Game Narrative vs. Gameplay

SE sits down to look at the dichotomy between a game’s story and its mechanics, framed through an article by Thomas Grip, and how best to utilize/reconcile the two into a coherent experience.

Literature: The Jaunt by Stephen King

Join the Lost Signals crew in a raucous conversation on Stephen King’s The Jaunt and miscellaneous literary topics.

Bon MOTS: Spider-Man: Homecoming

The Lost Signals reviews a new teenage angst-comedy that follows an awkward young man with father issues as he navigates school, responsibilities, and finding a date to the homecoming dance.

Syntax Error: Role Playing Games

SE presents the second of our ongoing talks within major game genres, this time focusing on the myriad ins, outs, and oddities of role playing games and their related ilk.