philosophy narrative

Philosophy & Narrative: Cyberpunk, Posthumanism, and Slavoj Žižek

We cover an article by man of the peoples’ philosopher Slavoj Žižek, exploring emerging ideas and the landscape of what posthumanism might evolve into via current pop culture touchstones.

TV & Philosophy: The Modern Antihero/ine

Our take on The Take’s take of the idea of the newest iterations of antihero/heroine characters largely in ‘prestige television.’

Philosophy & Narrative: Plagues/Pandemics in Pop Culture Art

Closing off our exploration of the use of plagues and the like within the pop cultural zeitgeist, TLS looks at three articles from various sources and applies them to a general discussion of past, present, and possible future depictions of the subject at hand.

Philosophy & Narrative: Nostalgia in Media

We look back to yesteryear in the present pop culture climate at the use of the concept and idea of nostalgia as incorporated into art as well as a marketing tool to sell said art, via these two articles on the topic.

Philosophy & Narrative: The Vampire Myth

TLS sinks their Freudian fangs into a discussion on analyzing the prevalence of the vampire myth in pop culture.

Philosophy & Narrative: Emotional Endings vs. Plot Conclusions

With an idea spawned from a drunken encounter, TLS embarks on a path to discern differences between a narrative’s emotional arcs compared to its logical storyline climaxes, as framed through a range of pop culture works.

Philosophy & Narrative: Micromegas by Voltaire

In the second of an improvised trilogy on the clash between narrative and academic works, The Lost Signals discusses Voltaire’s Micromegas.