mel brooks

Film & TV: Blazing Saddles

Whip out your big 6-shooter and fart around the fire for the final film in our Mel Brooks tribute.
[Aggregate score: 7.7]

Film & TV: The Twelve Chairs

For the third entry in our focus on Mel Brooks comedies, we go way back to post-revolution Russia and the search for family jewels. [Aggregate score: 8.3]

Film & TV: Robinhood: Men in Tights

Grab your jerkins, arrows, and pantyhose as TLS reviews the next Mel Brooks film in our comedy monthly block.
[Aggregate score: 9]

Film & TV: Young Frankenstein

TLS kicks off our traditional comedy month with a medley of Mel Brooks picks, starting with one of his earlier works.
[Aggregate score: 8]