Philosophy & Narrative

Philosophy & Narrative: Emotional Endings vs. Plot Conclusions

With an idea spawned from a drunken encounter, TLS embarks on a path to discern differences between a narrative’s emotional arcs compared to its logical storyline climaxes, as framed through a range of pop culture works.

Philosophy & Narrative: Bahktin and Discourse in the Novel

Our exploration into narrative turns to selections on why novels are not poems.


Philosophy & Narrative: Propp & Morphology of the Folktale

TLS returns to its proper, formalistic roots with a discussion of Russian folktales via selections from Propp’s Morphology of the Folktale.  Enjoy?

Philosophy & Narrative: The Metaphysician’s Nightmare by Bertrand Russell

In Bertrand Russell’s brief work, he takes TLS on a tour of philosophical hell, exploring what it means to non-exist.

Philosophy & Narrative: Micromegas by Voltaire

In the second of an improvised trilogy on the clash between narrative and academic works, The Lost Signals discusses Voltaire’s Micromegas.


Philosophy & Narrative: Eureka by Edgar Allen Poe

As the great Epic Rap Battles of History once famously stated: Poe’s poems pwn posers. The posers this time are the so-called “scientists” with their so-called “science.”

Philosophy & Narrative: TED Talks: John McWhorter: Txtng is killing language. JK!!!

TLS debates the nuances and emerging dynamics of language evolving within the medium of texting, as presented by John McWhorter in this TED Talk.

Philosophy and Narrative: Freud & Frye

With a revamped outlook TLS covers two essays in one go: the first by our frenemy Sigmund Freud on the nature of creative writing; the second by Northrop Frye on how to properly codify the criticism thereof.